The area was named for its peaceful nature by the early settlers, Foster, Harding, and Molette, who established a
spiritualist camp here in 1896.
Many area streets bear the names of decendants of early settlers, such as Cordrey Road.
What is now Questhaven Road in Elfin Forest was once called Spooks Canyon Road in honor of an early rancher named Spooks
who lived near the road.
The name was later changed by Flower Newhouse who founded the Questhaven Retreat in 1940.
There are many historic buildings and archeological sites remaining in the Harmony Grove area. An old stone mill still
stands near Escondido Creek, and the ruins of an old adobe house can be seen near Country Club Road.
Many old barns and farmhouses can be seen along the scenic country roads in the area.
These priceless relics provide a link to our heritage,
and are a constant reminder of the pioneers who founded the strong community that now flourishes here.